Yard Pong

DescriptionContains 4 gameballs and 12 buckets. Yard pong is played by setting up two sets of 6 buckets in a triangular formation separated 30 feet (or less) apart. Each player on a team tries to throw the ball into the opposing team's buckets. If a ball goes into a bucket, that bucket is removed from the game. The first team that makes all of the buckets first wins!
Play instructions: Just fill the buckets 1/3 of the way with sand, or 2/3 of water and you're good to go! Buckets are made from thick plastic, you don't have to worry about these buckets breaking!
Play instructions: Just fill the buckets 1/3 of the way with sand, or 2/3 of water and you're good to go! Buckets are made from thick plastic, you don't have to worry about these buckets breaking!